Community Beach Party

Thank you again to Muriel Grabe, Chris Marks and Sharon Ostrin for organizing a fantastic party. We had nice weather, excellent food and great company. A few pictures from the party have been posted under the community pictures tab.
Join us Saturday, June 1st from 1 pm to 5 pm at "A" (Long) Beach for our first annual opening day Beach Party. Please refer to the Neighborhood News tab for more information including what to bring and how to RSVP.
Join us Saturday, June 1st from 1 pm to 5 pm at "A" (Long) Beach for our first annual opening day Beach Party. Please refer to the Neighborhood News tab for more information including what to bring and how to RSVP.
Dock Day- October 19, 2013

Both Longview and Orchard Beach Docks will be removed on October 19. Longview will begin at 10 am while Orchard Beach will begin at 10:30 am. All are invited....especially if you make use of these docks, please come down to help out.
Main Gate Update

October 29. The electronics on the gate have been repaired but some key cards may not work. A temporary code will be posted on the gate to allow access in the event that your keycard/code does not work. Please call Frank Zipp to have your keycard reprogrammed.
Hurricane Sandy

Post Storm update
Damage from Sandy was minimal on the common property of CLE. Much work had been done following Irene eliminating many of the most dangerous trees. Hopefully, we'll have a quiet winter...
Damage from Sandy was minimal on the common property of CLE. Much work had been done following Irene eliminating many of the most dangerous trees. Hopefully, we'll have a quiet winter...
Storm Nemo

As of Sunday morning, February 10, all CLE roads have been plowed and are passable. Power is on in the community. Please continue to use caution as road conditions could continue to be impacted by melting/freezing cycles.
CLE Annual Meeting

Just a reminder that CLE's annual meeting will be held on May 25th, 2013 at 10:00 am at the Sherman School Cafeteria. All residents are invited to attend.
Annual Lake clean Up

The annual Candlewood Lake clean up will take place Saturday, June 15, 2013. See the following link for registration and volunteer opportunities
Cocktails on the Beach

Please join us for informal cocktails Friday nights on Long Beach. Bring the cocktail of your choice, something to nibble on and good cheer. Catch up with old friends and meet some new neighbors. Most arrive around 6:30
"Very High" Forest Fire Risk

Given the especially dry and windy weather that we are having, please be aware that the area has been deemed to be at "Very High" risk of forest fires by the DEEP. As always, any open burning requires a permit from the Town's fire marshall. Current fire-risk status can be found on the Connecticut DEEP website.
Northeast Utilities/NSTAR Merger Impact

Thank you to the ~10 CLE residents who took the time to write the DEEP and argue that any merger between these Companies should include, at a minimum, a 20 year extension of the memorandum of understanding that protects open spaces through out the State- including Vaughns Neck. Unfortunately, although the initial agreement between the State and NU has much to offer, it only provides for a 10-year extension of the MOU for Vaughns Neck. Several emails were sent coordinating this activity- if you are not receiving these important updates, it is because your email address is not yet in our CLE data base.

In October of 2010, invasive Zebra Mussels were found in in the waters of the Housatonic River in nearby Lakes Zoar and Lillinonah. Work is actively being done to reduce the threat of exposure in Candlewood. For suggestions as to what we can all do to limit the over-land transport of zebras, click on the zebra picture.

CLE residents Scott and Debra Randall attended the first DEP/CLA "Invasive Investigator" training held on April 9 in New Milford.