Not just a community but a family !
Thank you for visiting the Candlewood Lake Estates Website. We have created this Page to keep the Members of our Community -- our family -- informed. Members of the Candlewood Lake Estates Board do their best to keep our family safe, clean and happy. We hope that you find the page user-friendly and full of information. It is a work in progress. The page will be updated with news and announcements of Meetings and special events. Note that there is new Members Area that is password protected. This password is included within the annual meeting packet mailing. Alternatively, contact any board member or your webmaster for access. Your opinion matters to us so please feel free to navigate through the site and leave us your comments and suggestions by clicking on the "Comments/Suggestions" link that is located at the top left of this Page. We will visit the Page once a week to read your submissions and will respond, when appropriate. Thank you for understanding that all of us on the Candlewood Lake Estates Board are volunteers. We listen to everyone and all suggestions and comments will be reviewed by the Board. If you would rather communicate with the Board by e-mail, please use both of the following email addresses: [email protected] and This will ensure that more than one person receives your email. Thank you for visiting YOUR Web Page and have a wonderful day. Warm regards, The Members of the Board of Candlewood Lake Estates. |
Recent News...![]() The boat rack application form for the 2024-2025 season has been posted in the "members" area (also accessible below), Please fill out and return with your check by June 20, 2024. As always, please read all boat storage regulations to ensure our racks are being used properly and fairly for all!
![]() CHECK OUT OUR NEWLY PAINTED SIGN! Thanks Melody for your hard work getting this done! ![]() NEWLY REFURBISHED MAILBOXES at SHORE DRIVE Thanks to all the volunteers who contributed!! 2023 ANNUAL FINANCIAL AUDIT
Once again... CTD given a clean bill of health for it's financial management and accounting practices! Many THANKS to Roy Vazquez for his impeccable bookkeeping! Go to our members area to view detailed report * Remember this is password protected area. If you've forgotton the password or need assistance accessing this document,please contact me at [email protected]
Ongoing News & Reminders...
![]() (2017) The Green Pond Ecological Society has provided an important update concerning on-going efforts to protect Green Pond and how you can become involved in protecting this valuable resource. Please refer to the flyer posted under the "Green Pond" page within the members area tab.
![]() Traffic reminder: Our roads are shared by automobiles, walkers, runners and bikers. Please drive with caution and reduced speed....especially around our many winding turns.
Please be aware that Sherman is seeing an increase in black bear activity. Please refer to the Connecticut DEEP website for more information. |
Protecting Green Pond

Please adhere to the "safe boating/usage" practices outlined under the "environmental issues" tab. This includes the practice of clean/drain/dry any boat or item entering Green Pond. Note that this can include periods of drying time of up to seven days in dry hot weather or up to thirty days in wet, cool weather. The invasive plant Eurasian Milfoil has been identified in Green Pond- steps are being taken to evaluate the best means of control and or elimination. A comprehensive report on Green Pond has been shared courtesy of the Green Pond Ecological Society- thank you. Please refer to the "Green Pond" tab under the members section for more information

Please be aware that Green Pond has invasive Eurasian Milfoil. Efforts are underway to try and eliminate this before it becomes widespread. As it can be very difficult to remove this plant (requiring that the roots are completely eliminated), please refrain from hand pulling or cutting this weed. Milfoil readily propagates through plant fragments. Please adhere to the "clean, drain, dry" protocol and 72 hour waiting period prior to launching any boat or watercraft into Green Pond or Candlewood Lake- CTD ordinance number 19.

Please don't blow or rake leaves into Candlewood Lake or Green Pond. Although some leaves will find their way into the lakes naturally, leaves add nutrients to the water column and can increase the potential for algae blooms. The safest way to dispose of leaves is through composting. Note that it is also illegal in Connecticut to burn leaves.
Please, if possible don't fertilize...

Nutrients from fertilizer can find their way into the lake even if applied miles away. Increased levels of phosphorous can contribute to blue-green algae- a potentially dangerous condition. Starting Jan 1, 2013, it became illegal in Connecticut to apply fertilizer containing phosphorous (the middle number on the bag of fertilizer) without first testing your soil to determine that it is needed. It is always illegal to apply any fertilizer containing phosphorous within 20 feet of any waterbody. If you feel you must fertilize, please have your soil tested to determine the absolute minimum fertilizer to use.

Coyote in CLE: A large Coyote has taken up residence in CLE. Best enjoyed from a distance- take care with small pets and never feed Coyotes. More information can be found on the DEEP website at

New Beach Signs Installed- As a reminder, all cars parked at any of the four CTD beaches must have a beach pass.
Quote of the Day:

"I wasn't born in Candlewood Lake Estates, but I got here as fast as I could" Anonymous
Volunteer Opportunities

Please see the volunteer tab under the members directory. We are currently looking for a CLE Historian, someone to do some light carpentry on the Green Pond mailbox structure and volunteers to help eradicate the invasive plant Black Swallow wort that has made its way into CLE.